Dearest Baby Rhyan,
OMG (Oh My God-just in case you guys aren't using this when you get old enough to read this)!!!! You are turning 1. What a year it has been. You are the most amazing little lady ever and so happy. There are so many things that I can say, but I'll go all day. So I think its more fitting to tell you of this very day one year ago. The day our lives changed.
It was 11 am on May 4th, 2012, I was walking into what was to become my last doctor's appointment to check on you and make sure you were progressing. While being weighed the nurse asked if I had felt you move at all that day. I then realized that I hadn't and I began to get alarmed. After telling her, she quickly placed me on the monitor so that we can hear your heartbeat. There it was just as strong as ever, but you still were not moving. We tried everything to wake you, but you would not budge. After about 2 hours or so the doctor came in and told me I had to go to the hospital and get an ultrasound so we can see what you were doing in mommy's tummy.
Nina and I headed over to St. Peters hospital in New Brunswick, NJ at around 1:30 pm. The ultrasound tech came in and began the ultrasound. She was not much of a talker, but I saw your heartbeat and you. So I knew all was well. I began to calm down. The tech left the room and then came back with another doctor. She told me that during the ultrasound they noticed that the fluid that was around you had gotten too low and they needed to induce me to get you out.
So off to the delivery room we went. Daddy soon came after that and was ready to see you. After daddy arrived Mama and GGMa Linda came. We were all excited and anxious to see you. They induced me at 4:30 pm and then the nervousness kicked in. Contractions started coming and I knew you would be here soon. I'm going to spare you the rest of the details until a later date. At around 1:00 am I felt the most immense amount of pressure and you were ready to come.
I thought I was going to have this long drawn out labor as I have been told that first pregnancies have longer labors. But no buddy you were ready and not playing. At 1:41 am on May 5, 2012 at 7lbs and 4oz. 20 in long, my beautiful baby girl was born. You came out screaming and letting the world know you were here. They placed you on me and ever since then I haven't let you go. My pride and joy you are growing so fast and if you can please stop lol (laugh out loud-just in case). If I could I would keep you as a baby, but I can't and I know you will grow up healthy and strong. You will always remain Mommy's Baby.
Love Always,
Beautiful :-)
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